dgn syarat bahasa Inggris
- syarat: condition; stipulation; term; provision;
- menyerah kalah dgn syarat: capitulate
- syarat: condition; stipulation; term; provision; qualification; requirement; consideration; necessary; precondition; proviso; essential; reservation; requisite; requirements; prerequisite; circumstance; nec
- syarat-syarat: terms
- syarat-syarat pembayaran: terms of payment
- atas syarat: on approval
- dengan syarat: by condition of; on condition that
- dengan-syarat: provided that; as long as
- memenuhi syarat: measure up; measured up; measuring up; qualify; qualifying; up the mark; up to standard; eligible; fill / fit the bill; qualified; meet
- mempunyai syarat: had the makings; have the makings; having the makings
- syarat awal: initial condition
- syarat batas: boundary condition
- syarat bragg: bragg condition
- syarat compton: compton condition
- syarat kerenjangan: orthogonality conditions
- If you agree to my terms
Jika setuju dgn syarat saya - We'll give them to you, on the condition that you help us attain some things that are of interest to us.
Kami akan memberikan padamu, dgn syarat kamu membantu kami untuk mencapai sesuatu yang menarik bagi kita.